Javni poziv za 1 EVS volontera/ku u ŞANLIURFA Turska (2 mjeseca)

Javni poziv za 1 EVS volontera/ku u ŞANLIURFA – Turska

Period Volontiranja:   > 01 Septembar 2020 – 29 Oktobar 2020    (1 volonter)

O projektu:

Place: Şanlıurfa / TURKEY
Hosting Organization: GAP Youth Association
Project Duration: 57 Days (+ 2 travel days)


Let‘s create the challenges, which would be the reason to grow up. Refugees, children and youth work are open for new ideas, are interested in various activities and inquisitive, so we will try to create all situations and opportunities for the most possible variety of their experiences.
The volunteers will gain competences about working with young people with fewer opportunities and meanwhile, they will gain knowledge and develop their skills in conflict management and they will experience this activity which will be carried by them. On the other hand, within the project development activities, they will develop new projects and they will experience the project development or the young people with fewer opportunities and them will have an opportunity to discuss about the problems which we can face during the implementation of projects and they will gain competences about quality management in this projects.
In the information center, we are going to open for Syrian refugees, the volunteers will support Syrian refugees and in this context, they will work on organization, implementation and evaluation issues of social rights training and they will gain competences, skills, and knowledge related to the creation of educational activities for the Syrian refugees.
We aim to achieve the objectives by tapping the power of non-formal education, experiential methods, coaching, and learning-by-doing.
Volunteers will help the staff and work on the associations’ activities. Our local partners will be included in our local various activities. We will work with volunteers on the cultural field, youth field, and the languages for capacity building. During our activities;
– Group Work
– Non-Formal Education
– Outdoor Activities
– Visual Presentations and Visual Work will be implemented.
Accomodation : Volunteers will be living in the dormitory of our center. All of the volunteers will have separate rooms, a shared kitchen, and bathroom. We will provide towels, blankets, pillows and bed linens. Internet connection.
Pocket and Food Allowance : Volunteers will receive 118 Euro pocket money and 62 Euro food money for each month.
Travel Budget : Our travel budget for this project is 275 euros.
Working Hours : We are planing approximately 30 hours per week for every volunteer.

Svi zainteresovani  uzrasta od 18 – 30 godina, mogu da posalju motivaciono pismo i CV na engleskom jeziku putem e-maila: volonteriyia@gmail.com najkasnije do 25.09.2020.

Selekciju učesnika će raditi partneri iz Turske.